Show Notes

Scot is back, and the NSGIP trio is on the seat for the final installment of our Planes and Trains series. The day started with the team eating the burritos for breakfast. It was "big" as Scot noted. Jon called the burritos "scrumptious".


The team made their way to the Space Needle - the most iconic landmark in Seatle.


If you go to Seattle, you have to go to the Space Needle because it's an iconic place, and its obviously a real beauty  - Jon

We made a stop @The5PointCafe after our trip to the Space Needle. We wanted food and booze and they had both!  

Finally, the trio found their way home and Jon proposed yet another trip - well, time will tell where is next. But don't take my word for it, tune in to listen to the full gist.


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